FIRST Адрес и телефон:
Москва, Алтуфьевское ш. д. 48, корпус 2, офис 12 127549 Москва, Россия
Телефон:8 (800) 250-21-51, E-mail:
We are in messengers
Call from 08:00 to 18: 00

Calculation of rack strength

Steel structures and their design must meet the requirements of GOST 56567-2015 " Collapsible racks. Calculation standards".
Since 2003, an accredited company
Since 2003, an accredited company

We are accredited by the Federal Accreditation Service. This means that we have passed a full test and can work.

24/7 - we will perform repairs after the VET
24/7 - we will perform repairs after the VET

After passing the survey, we have the opportunity to carry out repairs and supply spare parts.

15 certified specialists
15 certified specialists

All our craftsmen and installers are certified by the state bodies for carrying out VET and service work.

The cross-sections of the structural elements must be such that during the entire service life the possibility of destruction and the occurrence of unacceptably large deformations of the structure is excluded, while at the same time saving material is required. The strength calculation is reduced to the requirement that the greatest stresses in the structural element do not exceed a certain permissible value for a given material.

Preferably once a year
Each organization must know the limits of deflections and displacements of structural elements once a year.

Our certified specialists carry out: maximum loads that are allowed on the levels and sections of the residual life of equipment fatigue; stability; analysis of the stress-strain state (static); nonlinear analysis and others. To assess the correct operation of shelving structures and any metal, we carry out calculations for stability and statics.


After we have completed all the necessary work, we start drawing up and issuing strength calculation documents.
Bottom line:

  • Get documents for inspection and internal use.
  • You protect your company from unplanned financial losses.
  • Guarantee of uninterrupted operation of the company.

The company's managers will be happy to answer your questions and prepare an individual commercial offer.

By clicking "Submit" I agree to processing of personal data

By clicking "Submit" I agree to processing of personal data

Time of the event
For whom
Strength testing
from day 1
Any company
from 9,000 rubles
We use a system of computer-aided calculation and design of mechanical equipment and structures in the field of mechanical engineering, developed taking into account the latest achievements in computational mathematics, numerical methods and programming, as well as theoretical and experimental engineering solutions.
Permits, documents, Russian software and accredited specialists
The strength calculation of metal structures will protect the responsible person in the company.
How can a strength calculation save money?
The cost of strength calculation is 56,000 rubles. Total damage from the collapse is 13,653,000 rubles. The cost of calculating relative damage would be only 0.41%.
Choose companies carefully before ordering services. Over the course of their entire activity, they have developed and implemented innovative methods for checking shelving structures.
Leave a request 1
Leave a request
Get an offer 2
Get an offer
Coordinating tasks 3
Coordinating tasks
Signing the contract 4
Signing the contract
Getting the job done 5
Getting the job done

We supply metal shelving, conveyor systems, metal furniture to the domestic and foreign markets, and perform installation

We work with most transport companies, and also independently organize the delivery of orders in agreement with the client
Payment is made only to the current account. Individual payment terms are possible upon agreement with the manager
Trust relationships
Trust relationships

We provide support at all stages of work. Even after fulfilling your obligations. A personal manager is always in touch.

Comprehensive service
Comprehensive service

We cover many issues in warehouse logistics: robotics, automation, shelving equipment and equipment, services, etc.

Competence level
Competence level

We analyze problems and obstacles in the client's business. We dive into the internal processes. We issue a working ready-made solution.

Improvement and innovation
Improvement and innovation

We constantly study new technologies, methods and trends in warehouse logistics. We automate business processes in the warehouse and production.

Book a consultation
The company's managers will be happy to answer your questions, calculate the cost of services and prepare an individual commercial offer.

By clicking "Submit" I agree to processing of personal data

We are a leading international provider of intralogistic solutions. As a system integrator, we take care of the planning, production, implementation and maintenance of distribution centers, warehouse complexes and industrial premises. More than 350 of our employees in Russia and the CIS implement complete solutions, thanks to their experience and outstanding dedication, focused on solutions.

20 years in intralogistics
Own production
completed in 2023
we work in the warehouse logistics market
in Russia and the CIS
For any questions
8 (800) 250-21-51
Altufevskoe shosse 48, building 2, office 12
8 (495) 698-61-80
Nizhniy Novgorod
Dzerzhinsk, 150th meter Igumnovsky sh, 1
8 (831) 411-11-10
Chistopolskaya 19A, room 114
8 (843) 537-88-99
104A Dzerzhinskiy Ave., office 602-603
+375 (17) 388-02-62